
Dispatch from U.N. Climate Talks in South Africa

December 10, 2011

Deputy Supervisor Frongillo represents the Town of Caroline at U.N. climate talks Dispatch from South Africa climate negotiations Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am writing from a village in rural Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. It’s...

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Bound for South Africa

December 5, 2011

Dear Friends, I am writing on the eve of traveling to the United Nations negotiations in Durban, South Africa. Why I'm Going Like everywhere on the planet, here in upstate New York...

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Back to the White House

November 6, 2011

Friends, In June, I was invited to the White House in Washington, D.C. and met with President Barack Obama and senior advisors. I shared the outpouring of concern that Caroline citizens are voicing about the potential impacts on our...

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We Are the New Ground Zero for Fracking

October 5, 2011

The Town of Caroline, NY, is a quiet rural town in the Fingerlakes region of upstate New York, on the divide of the Chesapeake and St. Lawerence watersheds. I grew up...

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Frongillo on Fracking: Statement to Town Council

October 4, 2011

Statement to the Caroline Town Board by Councilmember Dominic Frongillo Tuesday October 4, 2011 Caroline, New York I grew up at the bottom of dusty dirt Bailor Road in Caroline....

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